Primary and Secondary Structures - Meteorites
New England Meteoritical Services


Troilite daubreelite nodules

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Meteorite: Nordheim, ungrouped iron, ataxitic
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Figure 1. Scale bar 400 µm.
Meteorite: Nordheim, ungrouped iron, ataxitic
Troilite/daubreelite nodule.
Troilite is an iron sulfide mineral commonly found in iron meteorites. In the Nordheim meteorite, troilite appears as scattered nodules and lenticular bodies, typically ranging from 1 to 10 mm in size.

Daubreelite is a chromium iron sulfide mineral that is often associated with troilite. In the Nordheim meteorite, daubreelite constitutes about 10-20% of the troilite bodies. It usually forms parallel bars within the troilite, which can be 5 to 500 µm wide.

The troilite-daubreelite nodules in the Nordheim meteorite are notable for their structure. The daubreelite often protrudes slightly from the general outline of the troilite nodules, creating a distinctive pattern

Nordheim is ataxitic, Ni 11.67%, classified as an ungrouped iron. However, troilite/daubréelite nodules are also common in hexahedrite (low Ni) iron. An example would be Walker County.
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Figure 1. Scale bar 200 µm.
Meteorite: Nordheim, ungrouped iron, ataxitic
Troilite/daubreelite nodule.
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Figure 1. Scale bar 400 µm.
Meteorite: Nordheim, ungrouped iron, ataxitic
Troilite/daubreelite nodules.
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Figure 1. Scale bar 250 µm.
Meteorite: Nordheim, ungrouped iron, ataxitic
Troilite/daubreelite nodule.
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